
411 locals
411 locals



We are a professional company and none of this material is helping us earn hones living, they are literally trying to destroy us, we don’t want them calling here and harass us, we don't want to deal with them, we are not trying to harm them in any way why are they harming us, this kind of business shouldn't be allowed. This morning September 1st 2011, I typed in the name of our business in Google search to see if 411 locals have taken of the inappropriate image and fixed our location and not only they didn't remove that image, they added several more images of some guy standing with a bottle of wine, another image represents a guy pouring wine into a glass, another picture represents a men showing a glass of wine while holding 4 loafs of bread, another picture represents a man with a garlic chain wrapped around his neck posing, not only that they've submitted a negative review to harm us further. Obviously I didn't put any ninja turtles pictures on our Google places page because Google penalizes business for not having relevant and inappropriate material not related to the business.

411 locals

We’ve recently created a new Google Places Account and received a new pin but changing the pin didn’t really help much. They are the only company that we gave the pin to, that means there are only 2 companies that know the pin number us, and 411 Locals.


The only way to create a Google places account for a company is to have access to the business verification pin provided by Google, 3 years ago when we fell for the 411 scam we gave them that pin because we trusted them. 411 Locals have created a Google places page for us without our permission (mind you they promised to destroy us). I informed him that if they delete the ninja turtles they placed on our Google places page and change our location to our physical address we are located in NY they placed us in Soumi Finland near some lake named Unari, the issue will be resolved. Yesterday on August 31st 2011, a representative from 411 called us to try and resolve the problem which we are having.

411 locals

We've submitted a complaint to Google and BBB couple of days ago against this company since they threatened to destroy us couple of months back.

411 locals